本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?-六祖慧能 27 11 月, 201527 12 月, 2021 loongese怡红院 | Essay, 暖香坞 | Art, 枕霞阁 | Travel, 栊翠庵 | Zen, 梨香院 | Drama, 潇湘馆 | Poetry, 秋爽斋 | Finance, 稻香村 | Flavor, 紫菱洲 | Tao, 蘅芜苑 | Digest 菩提本無樹, Bodhi is originally without any tree; 明鏡亦非臺。 The bright mirror is also not a stand. 本來無一物, Originally there is not a single thing 何處惹塵埃。 Where could any dust be attracted? 5/5 - (1 vote) (Visited 63 times, 3 visits today)You may also like 溪斋英泉之画色倾城 【更换呼吸】书画资源 花气薰人欲破禅 科学元典套装(三) 叙利亚独裁政权垮台 七言•复活 吴国光等 | 极权主义在中国的重建 2020奥斯卡最佳影片:寄生虫 分享到:文章Spread the loveThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International